Cold Sores2024-04-19T11:13:06+10:00

Cold Sores

About Cold Sores
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Welcome to Qoctor’s online doctor service which can provide assessment for Cold Sores. Answer some online questions, then book a consultation with an AHPRA-registered doctor. Repeats available (subject to assessment). Please also note, your pharmacist may be able to assist you with over the counter treatments for cold sore.

The consultation fee is $29.99. If a prescription is advised, it can be sent as an eScript to your phone OR electronically to your local pharmacy. Alternatively you can have medication delivered by an Australian partner pharmacy- in this case, the cost of medication is added at the checkout. All treatment and advice is issued subject to your doctor’s assessment.


About Cold Sores

Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV1), which is spread by skin to skin contact. About 1 in 5 people have cold sores that flare up from time to time. They usually get better without treatment in 7-10 days, though sometimes antiviral creams or tablets may be used to ease symptoms.

Treatment for cold sores and medication for cold sores by Qoctor

FAQs about HSV1 & cold sores

What causes cold sores?2017-10-23T22:14:28+11:00
  • Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1, otherwise known as HSV1.
  • HSV2 is a similar virus which usually causes genital herpes, but rarely can also cause cold sores around the mouth.
  • Cold sores are spread by skin to skin contact, such as kissing someone who has an active cold sore.
  • The first infection may not cause any symptoms, but may be triggered later.
  • Cold sores can be triggered by stress, fatigue, viral illness, strong UV/sunlight exposure or during menstruation.
How do you catch cold sores?2017-10-23T22:13:55+11:00
  • Cold sores are spread by skin to skin contact
  • If you have active cold sores you should avoid newborn babies, elderly, or anyone with a weak immune system (e.g on chemotherapy)
  • If you have no active cold sores, you’re not usually infectious to others.
Do you need a test to diagnose cold sores?2023-06-16T21:32:47+10:00
  • No, usually you do not need any tests to diagnose cold sores.
  • The diagnose tends to be obvious, based on history and the appearance of the lesions
  • However, if there’s any doubt, your GP can perform a swab and send it to the laboratory for analysis for HSV1.
If I get cold sores very often does it mean something is wrong with my health?2023-06-16T21:33:23+10:00

• People with recurring cold sores occasionally worry that there’s something wrong with their immune system, or that they’re deficient in a vitamin or mineral. But cold sores are very common, and most people who get them are otherwise perfectly well.
• Sometimes tiredness or another viral illness can make you more prone to cold sore flare ups
• If you’re worried, speak to your doctor- they may recommend some general blood tests to check for an underlying cause.

What are the treatment options for cold sores?2023-06-16T21:38:38+10:00

• Usually no particular medication for cold sores is recommended- they naturally get better over 7-10 days.
• There is some general advice when you have active cold sores, such as avoid touching the cold sores; wash hands regularly especially after applying creams or before putting in your contact lenses; and don’t share lip balm or sunscreen.
• Over the counter painkillers like Panadol and Nurofen, or topical anaesthetic gels (e.g Lidocaine) may be helpful for pain/discomfort.
• Antiviral Creams can be bought at your pharmacy- these do not kill the virus but prevent it from multiplying which may reduce symptoms a little.
• Oral antiviral medication may be prescribed to reduce the severity of symptoms, in some suitable cases. This approach may be appropriate if you have severe or frequent cold sores, or a weakened immune system for some reason- speak to your doctor for further advice.

Is there a cure for cold sores?2023-06-16T21:40:11+10:00

Once you’ve been infected, HSV1 stays in your body. In some people it means cold sores flare up from time to time, in others HSV1 lies dormant, and flares up rarely or not at all.

Health Library- Cold Sores (HSV1)

What is a stye and how do you treat it?

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By |December 1st, 2017|Categories: Common infections, Skin, hair & nail conditions, Embarrassing health problems, Warts|

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