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Anogenital warts

Anogenital warts What are anogenital warts? Anogenital warts are caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and can affect the anus and the genitals. There are over 150 types of HPV and if you’ve ever had sex, you’ve been exposed to HPV. Most types of HPV don’t cause any symptoms [...]


Managing Psoriasis What is Psoriasis?  Psoriasis is a chronic (long term) skin condition that causes areas of the skin to become thickened, red, and scaly (described as "plaques"). It affects men and women, across all ethnicities, occurring more commonly in adults than children. The peak ages of onset are [...]

How to treat Head Lice

How to treat Head Lice What are Head Lice? Head Lice are small insects that live in human hair and feed on blood from the scalp. Outbreaks are very common in childcare centres, schools and residential facilities. How do Head Lice spread? Head Lice are spread by close head-to-head [...]
