Terms and Conditions

Consent to use of site

These terms and conditions apply between Dr Sicknote Pty Ltd (trading as qoctor) and each person who uses the site (“you”). You agree with qoctor as follows:

1. qoctor

1.1. qoctor operates the website located at www.DrSicknote.com.au (Site), www.qoctor.com.au and other related websites and mobile applications with links to the Site. The Site assists you to access e-health and telemedicine services by providing an interface between you and health care professionals (Health Providers) who also use the Site.

1.2. qoctor does not itself provide any medical or health service but merely provides the platform which enables you to access health services from a Health Provider.

1.3. qoctor does not employ any Health Provider or have a financial interest in any Health Provider but does receive part of the fee paid by you for each e-health or telemedicine service provided to you by a Health Provider via the Site.

1.4. Any medical or health information provided to you by qoctor has been prepared by the Health Providers and is forwarded to you by qoctor in good faith but without offering or providing medical or health advice.

2. Health care Services

2.1. qoctor does not guarantee that an e-health or telemedicine consultation is the appropriate course of treatment for your particular health care problem. The Health Provider has the sole discretion to decide whether or not an e-health consultation is appropriate, whether or not to provide any particular service and to determine the health services required.

2.2. In some circumstances a physical examination, blood tests, diagnostic imaging or other tests may be required. These cannot be delivered via an e-health consultation. If the Health Provider decides that any or all of these are required the Health Provider will direct you to make an appointment for an in practice consultation with your local general practitioner.

2.3. You consent to information about yourself, your health and your current medications including, but not limited to, the information you divulge as part of the online consultation assessment to be viewed and exchanged by and between qoctor employees and any Health Providers for the purpose of conducting a medical consultation. You understand and agree that this information may be exchanged electronically.  All services provided by this Website are provided on a ‘best endeavours’ basis. Consultation requests made electronically from this Website will be forwarded to a Health Provider as soon as possible. Due to the range of third party networks and innovative technology used for this transmission, qoctor is unable to guarantee a time of arrival of the consultation information for a Health Provider’s attention or guarantee that it will arrive at all.

3. Your obligations

3.1. You agree to contact your own doctor immediately if directed to do so or if your condition changes or your symptoms worsen.

3.2. You agree to provide all information requested by qoctor or a Health Professional and warrant that all information which you provide is true and fully complete.

3.3. You must inform and keep the Health Provider informed of any side effects or other issues arising from any treatment provided by the Health Provider through the website.

3.4. You must inform your GP and any other health care professional about any medical treatment received via the website.

3.5. If a Health Provider prescribes any medication, you must carefully read all product packaging and patient information supplied with the medication. If your medication appears to be damaged or wrongly dispensed or delivery is delayed you agree to contact the dispensing pharmacy to seek advice and replacement as required

3.6. If you do not understand any question asked in our website assessment or any advice given by a Health Provider, you should seek clarification immediately.

4. Prescriptions

4.1. You agree that any medications prescribed for you by a Health Professional as part of the e-health service will be issued by the Health Professional electronically to a registered Australian pharmacy for a pharmacist to dispense the medication specified and post it to you at the delivery address you provide or the prescription posted to an address selected by you. You are responsible for paying the pharmacy for dispensing and supply of medication and agree we will make a disbursement on your behalf to cover this cost.

4.2. Prescriptions are issued entirely at the discretion of the Health Provider. qoctor cannot guarantee a consultation with a Health Provider will result in a prescription being issued.

4.3. qoctor is not responsible for the failure of any third party to deliver medicines to the correct address or within any particular timeframe. You are responsible for signing for packages containing medicines. However if another person accepts delivery at the delivery address you provide, you will be deemed to have received the medication.

4.4. In the event your medicine appears to be damaged, wrongly dispensed or delivery is delayed you agree to contact the dispensing pharmacy to seek advice and replacement as required.

4.5. You agree to inform your GP and other health professionals about medication supplied and advice given to you through the website.

4.6. We are not liable for damages which arise from your failure to inform your GP or other healthcare professional about treatment you receive from the website.

5. Fees

5.1. When you request one of the e-health services provided by a Health Provider via the Site, you must pay a fee. If a Health Provider is unable to provide the requested service to you for any reason, the fee will be refunded. In the event of you not being contactable or available during a scheduled consultation a coucher redeemable with qoctor will be issued

5.2. You understand that qoctor is not covered under Medicare Australia at this time, no Medicare rebate is available and there is no bulk billing option offered as part of this service. There also be no PBS benefit available for any prescriptions.

6. Release of liability

6.1. You release qoctor from all responsibility for health and medical matters including information provided to you about those health and medical matters and acknowledge these are the responsibility of the Health Provider.

6.2. You agree that qoctor is not liable for any loss, damage, expense or claim arising from damage, loss, injury or death caused directly or indirectly by the Health Provider and you release qoctor from liability for any claim arising from any of those circumstances.

6.3. You agree that neither qoctor nor any Health Provider is responsible for loss or damage arising due to you failing to provide true or fully complete information or failing to comply with any of your obligations listed in clause 3 (Your obligations).

7. Terms and Conditions/ Privacy policy

7.1. I acknowledge having read and accepted the terms and conditions for use of the Website which apply in addition to the above terms.

7.2. I acknowledge having read and accepted the privacy policy for qoctor.

7.3. I acknowledge having read and accepted the refund policy for qoctor.

7.4. By ticking “yes” in this box you agree to receive information from qoctor about other services or products which qoctor makes available from time to time.

8. General

If any of these terms are held to be invalid or unenforceable, then the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected.

Reviews from TrustPilot

“Fantastic Great experience!”

Rhiannon, Patient

“Quick, convenient and professional”

Matthew, Patient

“Very helpful! They’re a new service, and seem committed to helping. Friendly doctor and pretty straightforward. Very happy with it……lots of innovations coming up by the sound of it!”

Sep, Patient

4.6 out of 5
reviewed by Trustpilot
