How to fix an ingrown toenail

How to get rid of an ingrown toenail

Authored by Dr Filip Vukasin on 06.06.2022
Medically Reviewed by Dr Aifric Boylan
Last updated on 10.06.2024

What is an ingrown toenail?

Ingrown toenail is an extremely common condition which occurs when the inner or outer side of the large toenail digs into the skin. The part of the nail that grows into the skin acts as a “foreign body”, and so the immune system reacts to it- creating swelling, inflammation, redness and discomfort. If it becomes infected, pus and more pain can develop. When an ingrown toenail has been present for a prolonged time “granulation tissue” can form in the area, which looks like overgrown and brittle skin. People often come to their GP or podiatrist wondering how to get rid of an ingrown toenail, and how to stop getting ingrown toenails in the first place. 

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What causes ingrown toenails?

Factors that can increase the risk of developing an ingrown toenail include:

  • Cutting the nails too deep on the sides (in a U or V shape, instead of a straight line)
  • Tight or ill-fitting shoes
  • High impact exercise (like running)
  • Obesity
  • If your natural nails curve in an upside down U shape (pincer nails) instead of being flat
  • Excessively sweaty feet
  • Nail infection (like fungal infections)
  • Diabetes
  • Medications (HIV, oral antifungals, cyclosporine)

How do you diagnose an ingrown toenail?

It is often fairly obvious that a toenail is ingrown, but if you are not sure, a doctor or podiatrist will be able to confirm by taking a look. If there are signs of infection, sometimes a swab may be taken, to decide which antibiotic should be used. If there is active infection associated with an ingrown toenail, antibiotics are prescribed with recommendations to clean the area with an antiseptic, like betadine.

Treatment for an ingrown toenail

People often ask doctors how to fix an ingrown toenail. Depending on how deep the ingrown toenail is, management suggestions tend to include: 

Cotton wick insertion: the patient is taught how to insert a small amount of cotton wool under the nail on the affected side. This is easier done if the skin is soaked in warm water prior, as it softens the skin. The cotton helps raise the nail from the groove and must be repeated daily for weeks or months until the ingrown toenail grows out. 

Toe taping: the affected side of the toe is taped in such a way that the skin is pulled back from the ingrown toenail, relieving pressure and helping the nail grow out unimpeded. 

Surgical management: this can be done by your GP or podiatrist and depending on the technique, it involves removing the segment of ingrown toenail. It is done under local anaesthetic (you’ll be awake) and often involves the application of an agent (phenol, sodium hydroxide, cautery) to the base of the nail on the affected side to prevent the ingrown toenail from returning. 

how to get rid of an ingrown toenail

How to stop getting ingrown toenails

To try to stop getting ingrown toenails, the following steps may help:

  • When cutting the toenails, cut straight across in a horizontal line instead of cutting into the sides
  • Wear comfortable, wide shoes that aren’t pointed at the end or squeeze your toes
  • Change wet socks often, dry feet thoroughly. For people who have very sweaty feet, botox can be used as a treatment.
  • Avoid high impact on the toes, such as long distance running, and try gym or swimming
  • Lose weight
  • Work on improving your bloods sugars if you have diabetes
  • Treat fungal nail infections promptly with topical or oral antifungals.
  • Consider changing medications that may be affecting your toenails.
  • Regularly see your podiatrist for bespoke advice

Ingrown toenails can be a troublesome and sometimes embarrassing condition. Prolonging the time before you see a doctor or podiatrist can allow things to get worse, and can complicate the treatment. So seek help early!

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