Vasectomy – Everything You Need to Know

Vasectomy- everything you need to know

What is a vasectomy?

Sperm is made in your testicles (balls). There are 2 tubes that take sperm from your testicles to your penis – 1 tube for each testicle. A vasectomy is a minor operation to cut both those tubes. Each tube is cut at the top of the scrotum (ball sack), near to the base of the penis. Once they’re cut, no sperm comes out of your penis when you ejaculate (come).

Will they put me to sleep for my vasectomy?

Not normally. Vasectomy can be performed under local anaesthetic (which means they make the area numb for a while so you don’t feel any pain).

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Is vasectomy 100% effective?

Nearly. After the vasectomy you will need to provide some sperm samples to check that it has worked – until you’ve got those results you don’t know. After that there is a very small chance that your ability to father children after the procedure can return – this is about 1 in 2000.

Is vasectomy reversible?

Vasectomy is reversible in only about half of cases.

Should I have a vasectomy?

Only you can answer that. You need to be confident that you definitely don’t want to have any more children, no matter what happens. It’s much simpler and safer than than any operation your wife or partner can have to prevent fertility. It also means she won’t have to take medications every day, some of which can have side-effects and significant risks. After you have a vasectomy you can have sex without worrying about contraception.

How do I get to see somebody for a vasectomy?

You can get an online referral for a vasectomy from Qoctor right now  and book to see the surgeon straight away. Just click on the link above and qoctor the online doctor will refer you today!

What’s it like to recover from a vasectomy?

You have to wear supportive underwear and avoid physical exercise for the days after the operation. The wound is certainly sore, but most men recover within days.

How long will I be off work for my vasectomy?

About a week for non-manual work. About 2 weeks for manual work.

When you have the operation, Qoctor can also supply your online medical certificate so that you can recover in peace!


What are the risks and side-effects of vasectomy?

Most people have a vasectomy without any problems. In the days after the operation the scar can become very bruised or get infected, requiring management by the doctor. Sometimes lumps appear in the wounds – these are cysts containing sperm and they go away fairly quickly, though rarely they can be painful and require draining.

Rarely, men who have a vasectomy may develop long-term pain in their testicles or abdomen (tummy).

What else should I know about vasectomy?

A vasectomy will not reduce your sex drive.

It does not reduce your ability to get erections or have orgasms.

It doesn’t protect against sexually-transmitted infections.

Get your online referral for a vasectomy at

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