General GP consultations2024-03-20T19:44:46+11:00
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Book a GP telehealth appointment

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Need to see a doctor? No local GP availability? With Qoctor you can book an online GP appointment to speak to an experienced doctor.* First, answer some simple online questions about your health, then have a phone/video consultation. Prescriptions, certificates, referral letters and pathology forms can be issued immediately after your appointment, with eScripts available direct to your phone/email.

*This service is for adult patients only. For longstanding, serious or complicated health issues, where possible, we also recommend you should continue to see your own GP and keep them informed. Please note, for safety reasons, Qoctor does not routinely prescribe Schedule 8 medications (such as opioid painkillers) or benzodiazepines.

Book a GP appointment

About our doctors

Our online GP appointments are provided by doctors with a high level of experience in General Practice and general medicine. All Qoctor doctors are AHPRA registered, and are committed to ensuring that your telehealth experience is a positive one. Efficient communication is key to the telehealth experience- that’s why we use a video call where possible, and our doctors can issue documents to be downloaded instantly and securely- including eScripts, pathology requests, referrals and other letters.

Acid Reflux or GORD
Book a GP appointment

Common Questions and Answers

How soon can I receive my prescription, pathology request, or referral letter?2024-02-27T18:10:34+11:00

Once you’ve spoken to the doctor and they have assessed you, they may issue advice, a prescription, a pathology request, a referral letter or a medical certificate. These items are available for download immediately after your appointment. eScripts are sent via SMS, directly to your mobile phone.

Do I need Medicare to book a GP appointment?2024-02-27T17:58:21+11:00

No, you do NOT need to have Medicare to book a GP appointment, though by providing your Medicare details it allows your doctor to provide you with useful services such as ePrescriptions (eScripts), as well as including your Medicare details on pathology requests or specialist referrals so that you can access Medicare rebates. Therefore if you have Medicare card, it is very helpful if you enter your details when registering.

Visitors from overseas can still use Qoctor to book a GP appointment, if they need medical assistance or advice whilst travelling in Australia. Medicare is not required.

Unfortunately it is not possible for telehealth providers like Qoctor to offer Medicare rebates for most telehealth appointments, due to the Medicare “12 month face to face rule”. This is a legislative requirement that GPs and Other Medical Practitioners (OMPs) working in general practice can only perform a telehealth or telephone service where they have an established clinical relationship with the patient, and have seen them in person in the past 12 months. There are limited exemptions to this requirement, such as mental health treatment plans.

Is it OK to discuss more than one issue with the GP?2024-02-27T17:46:42+11:00

Yes, when you book a general GP telehealth appointment with Qoctor, you can discuss more than one issue with the doctor- quite often people need a few things- such as a prescription, a medical certificate or a referral for a test or treatment!  If you have many complex medical issues and the consultation is becoming very prolonged, the doctor may suggest you return for a second appointment at a later time, to continue to work through all your concerns.

How much does a general GP appointment cost?2024-02-27T17:40:53+11:00

A general GP consultation with Qoctor costs $49.99. Waiting times are generally less than 2 hours. General GP appointments are available 365 days a year, and do not cost more out of hours or at weekends. Our experienced AHPRA registered doctors can discuss your health concerns- whether you wish to ask about symptoms, request a prescription, a pathology referral or a medical certificate.

If you are in a hurry, you can also avail of the priority booking service which allows you to see a doctor within around 15 minutes! The priority booking service is available 9am-9pm on weekdays.

Health Library

On a vegan diet?- some important things you should know

Vegan diet- a beginner's guide What is a vegan diet?  A vegan diet, also known as plant-based, describes one that avoids any animal products. There are many subtypes of this diet, including those that sometimes include fish or honey, but for the purposes of this article we will discuss a diet that excludes all animal products. Approximately 10% of the Australian population follows some form of plant-based diet. There are many reasons you may follow a vegan diet, including cultural, personal, ethical, enviromental and health-related. In recent times, there has been a societal association between a vegan diet and better health, however this isn’t necessarily true in all cases. Request a medical certificate Why do people go vegan? Health issues Some people decide to follow a vegan diet because [...]

By |May 27th, 2022|Categories: Nutrition & Lifestyle, Vegan diet|

How to get rid of Jock Itch

How to get rid of Jock Itch What is Jock Itch? Jock Itch is a common name for the medical condition also known as "Tinea Cruris". Jock Itch is caused by a fungus which naturally lives on the skin, but under certain conditions overgrows and leads to an itchy rash in the groin, either side of the penis and scrotum.  Generally, the skin on both sides of the genitals becomes itchy and then appears dry and scaly. It can get red and spread, become more intensely itchy. Scratching can lead to nicks and bleeds in the irritated skin.  Tinea can also affect the skin elsewhere, e.g. between the toes (Tinea Pedis) and beard (Tinea Barbae), so if you have Tinea on one part of the body it’s possible to "seed it" elsewhere.  Book an assessment What causes Jock [...]

By |May 11th, 2022|Categories: Men's Health, Skin, hair & nail conditions, Tinea Cruris, Jock Itch|

Acid reflux- what causes GORD, and how to get rid of it

Acid reflux- what causes GORD, and how to get rid of it Acid reflux is when stomach acid flows from the stomach upwards into the oesophagus. The oesophagus (us-off-a-gus) is the tube connecting your mouth with your stomach. Acid reflux can cause irritation of the lining of the oesophagus. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD or GERD) may be present if someone has symptoms of acid reflux more than twice a week. Many people experience acid reflux from time to time. While most people can manage the symptoms with lifestyle changes and simple medications from their pharmacy, some people suffering from GORD may need stronger medications or even surgery to treat their symptoms. Anyone with acid reflux or GORD symptoms that are not settling, or that are getting worse over time, should seek medical advice, as investigations may be required to rule out more serious underlying conditions. [...]

By |April 13th, 2022|Categories: Digestion & bowel health, Acid Reflux, GORD|

Why request an Asthma Action Plan?

Why request an Asthma Action Plan? What is an asthma action plan? A key part of asthma management is the preparation of a written asthma action plan by the person with asthma and/or their carer, together with their doctor. An asthma action plan is a document that helps the person with asthma and those who care for them, to recognise worsening asthma symptoms and to take the correct steps to safely manage them. REQUEST AN ASTHMA ACTION PLAN What information is contained in an asthma action plan? Factors that make your asthma worse (triggers). Medicines you take to treat your asthma, with the names of each medicine/inhaler Symptoms and/or peak flow measurements that indicate worsening asthma Which medicines/inhalers to take based on symptoms or peak flow measurements  Symptoms that indicate a need for [...]

By |January 27th, 2022|Categories: Allergies & Asthma, Lung & Respiratory Conditions, Asthma|

How to get rid of a UTI

How to get rid of a UTI What is a UTI? UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection (also referred to as a bladder infection or cystitis). UTIs are common, particularly in women. Up to 50% of women will experience 1 or more UTI in their life. UTIs are much less common in men. Most UTIs are caused by bacteria that live harmlessly in your gut but cause inflammation if they get into your urinary tract. It often stings as urine passes the inflamed area. It is important to treat UTI quickly, as the infection can sometimes spread from the bladder to the kidneys (causing a kidney infection, also known as "pyelnonephritis"), which can make you extremely unwell. Book an appointment What are the symptoms of a UTI? Burning or stinging when you pass urine (dysuria) Passing urine more [...]

By |December 2nd, 2021|Categories: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), UTI|

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men What are Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms? ‘Lower urinary tract symptoms’ are symptoms related to passing urine and are common in men as they get older. Lower urinary tract symptoms can be classified into either storage symptoms (having to urinate too often) or voiding symptoms (having difficulty with the flow of your urine). The most common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms in men is an enlarged prostate gland. Request a medical certificate Lower Urinary Tracts Symptoms include Hesitancy – despite the feeling of needing to urinate, the urine flow doesn’t start immediately. Weak or intermittent stream – urine flow starts and stops Straining to start /or continue urination There is dribbling after urination A feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder  Having to go to the bathroom very often. Particularly noticeable at night eg, [...]

By |October 15th, 2021|Categories: Men's Health, Prostate|

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