Delay a period2024-04-19T09:56:49+10:00

Delay a period- telehealth assessment

About delaying a period
Learn more about women’s health

Welcome to Qoctor’s online doctor service which can provide assessment for treatment to delay your period.  Answer some online questions, then book a video consultation with an AHPRA-registered doctor. Repeats available (subject to assessment).

The consultation fee is $29.99. If a prescription is advised, it can be sent as an eScript to your phone OR electronically to your local pharmacy. Alternatively you can have medication delivered by an Australian partner pharmacy- in this case, the cost of medication is added at the checkout. All treatment and advice is issued subject to your doctor’s assessment.


How to stop your period

  • Sometimes a menstrual period will be due at an inconvenient time- a special occasion, a holiday, a wedding or a university examination. It is possible to delay a period by a few weeks, until the timing is better. 
  • If you’ve ever wondered how to stop your period, there are a few ways this can be achieved- a course of oral progesterone tablets is commonly used, though the contraceptive pill or long acting contraceptives are alternative options, if started well in advance.
  • For any of these options, you’ll need to speak to a doctor to discuss treatment, and make sure this is safe and suitable for you.
  • Any Questions? Need a longer appointment? Book in for a general GP consult (for $49.99) HERE
how to stop your period- information about how to delay a period

Common questions & answers

How to stop your period- what are the options?2023-06-16T22:11:38+10:00

When a big event like a wedding or holiday crops up, and your period is due at the same time, it can be very frustrating- it may affect how you feel physically and mentally, what activities you can take part in, and what clothes you can wear. In such situations, women quite often come to their doctor to ask how to stop a period from occurring. So, what are the options and do they work? There are actually a few, depending on the circumstances, the time-frames involved, your preferences and medical history. The three main ways are a progesterone tablet that you just take for a few weeks, the combined oral contraceptive pill, or a long acting contraceptive option. The last two options obviously need to be arranged well in advance, whilst a progesterone tablet can be started just before the expected period. Speak to a doctor to discuss your options.

Does skipping periods affect my future fertility?2023-06-16T22:16:26+10:00

In most cases your ability to become pregnant returns the moment a contraceptive medication is stopped or withdrawn. However, in the case of the long acting progesterone injection or “Depo injection”, it can take quite a few months for the effects to wear off, and the return to fertility can be delayed for a number of months.

Health Library- Women’s Health

What is Adenomyosis and what are the symptoms?

Adenomyosis- causes, symptoms & treatment symptoms causes diagnosis treatment What is Adenomyosis? Adenomyosis is when the type of tissue that normally lines the uterus (endometrial tissue) also grows in the muscle layer of the uterus, where it continues to thicken, break down and bleed during each menstrual cycle. How common is Adenomyosis? Adenomyosis is thought to affect 20-35% of women, though it’s hard to be certain, as some women don’t have symptoms and Adenomyosis doesn’t always show up clearly on scans. What conditions can be assessed by our doctors? What are the symptoms of Adenomyosis? Many women who have Adenomyosis do not get any symptoms. However, some women may experience symptoms which can have an impact on their normal daily activities and quality of life. These include: Heavy periods Long periods Painful [...]

By |April 30th, 2019|Categories: Women's Health, Heavy periods, Period pain, Endometriosis, Dysmenorrhoea, Pelvic pain, Adenomyosis|

What are the symptoms of fibroids?

Fibroids- symptoms, causes & treatment what are they? symptoms diagnosis treatment What are fibroids? Fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) lumps that grow in the wall of the uterus (womb). They are sometimes called “myomas” or "leiomyomas”. They are very common- 70-80% of women over the age of 50 will have one or more fibroids but only about a quarter of these women will get any symptoms. Fibroids can range in size- they can be so small they are hard to see on a scan, or they can (rarely) grow so big that the uterus expands to the top of the abdomen (tummy). What conditions can be assessed by our doctors? Who gets fibroids? Fibroids form in women during their reproductive years, particularly over the age of 35. They tend to stop growing at [...]

By |April 17th, 2019|Categories: Women's Health, Irregular periods, Heavy periods, Period pain, Fibroids|

What causes PMS?

PMS- symptoms, causes & treatment what is it symptoms causes treatment What is PMS? Premenstrual Syndrome is also known as: Premenstrual Tension (PMT) Premenstrual Disorder (PMD) Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) if it’s severe Premenstrual syndrome is defined as: Distressing physical or emotional symptoms Occurring regularly in the 2 weeks before your period Not occuring at other times in your menstrual cycle It’s only diagnosed after other medical conditions are excluded What conditions can be assessed by our doctors? How common is PMS? It’s really common. About 40% of women have PMS Only half of women with PMS seek medical help Over 10% of women need time off work for PMS What are the symptoms of PMS? Symptoms of PMS commonly include: Bloated tummy Irritability or anger Pain in the breasts Pain [...]

What are the symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic Pregnancy- symptoms, causes & treatment what is it? symptoms risk factors diagnosis & treatment What is an Ectopic Pregnancy? An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg does not implant in the wall of the uterus (womb) as it should, but attaches somewhere else. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in one of the fallopian tubes, or less frequently, in the ovary, along a caesearean section scar, or in some other part of the tummy (for example, on the bowel). In almost all cases the Ectopic Pregnancy cannot develop a proper blood supply- the fallopian tube is not able to support the growing embryo, so it cannot survive. Ectopic pregnancy needs to be quickly diagnosed and treated, as rupture and internal bleeding can occur. How common is Ectopic Pregnancy? It occurs in around [...]

By |April 2nd, 2019|Categories: Women's Health, Vaginal bleeding, Pelvic pain, Ectopic Pregnancy|

5 myths & misunderstandings about the pill

5 myths & misunderstandings about the pill Does the pill make you gain weight? A lot of women ask this question. So far, research shows no major effect of the contraceptive pill on weight. A review of 49 scientific trials in 2014 did not reveal an evidence of significant weight gain in women taking the pill. When the pill was first developed in the 1960s, the doses of oestrogen and progesterone were higher- it is possible this did have a bigger impact on weight, which may have contributed to the reputation the pill has for causing weight gain. The levels of hormones in today's contraceptive pill are lower. However, less commonly, it does seem that some individuals may be more susceptible to fluid retention or weight gain when taking hormonal treatments such as the pill.  If this appears to be happening, your doctor will usually [...]

What are the side effects of the pill?

What are the side effects of the pill? The combined contraceptive pill (commonly known as “the pill”) has been around since the 1960s and is used by women all over the world as an effective, convenient form of birth control. It contains two hormones- oestrogen and progesterone, and it works by preventing ovulation. Most women get no side effects while taking the pill. However, some may can experience side effects or complications, ranging from minor to more serious health issues. Minor side effects of the pill The pill can cause side effects, but serious complications are uncommon- for most women the benefits of taking the pill far outweigh the risks. Nausea- in the first week of starting the pill, some women experience nausea- however, this tends to settle within a few days, if they continue to take it. Headaches Breast tenderness Bloating [...]

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