Hair Loss
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Hair Loss in Men

About Hair Loss
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Welcome to Qoctor’s online doctor service which can provide assessment for Hair Loss in men. Answer some online questions, then book a video consultation with an AHPRA-registered doctor. Repeats available (subject to assessment).

The consultation fee is $29.99- no need for expensive ongoing subscriptions. If a prescription is advised, it can be sent as an eScript to your phone OR electronically to your local pharmacy. Alternatively you can have medication delivered by an Australian partner pharmacy- in this case, the cost of medication is added at the checkout. All treatment and advice is issued subject to your doctor’s assessment.


About Hair Loss

All men will experience thinning hair during their lives (thought to be caused by increased sensitivity of the hair follicles to the hormone dihydrotestosterone). Whilst many are not concerned by it, and have no wish to take any action, others may wish to consider hair loss treatment.

hair loss treatment and hair loss medication including Propecia (Finasteride), buy Propecia online

FAQs about hair loss and hair loss treatment

Why do men experience hair loss?

The scalp skin normally changes testosterone to another hormone called dihydrotestosterone. In balding men it seems that the hair follicles become too sensitive to dihydrotestosterone and react by shrinking over time. Normally a single hair should last around 3 years, but as hair follicles shrink, the hairs become thinner and shed more often, until they get so short and thin that they no longer grow out through the skin.

What’s the usual pattern of hair loss in men?

At first, the hair recedes or thins around the temples, while also becoming thinner on the top of the head. These areas of hair loss get bigger and join up, leaving a patch of hair at the front of the head, which over time also becomes thinner. Often a narrow band of hair will be left around the back and sides of the head, though this too can be lost, leading to complete baldness.

How long does it take men to go bald?

The length of time it takes to go bald varies widely between men- from just a few years to more than twenty years.

Can anything else cause hair loss?

Other conditions can cause hair loss, though in a different pattern to male pattern hair loss. If you think your hair loss is very rapid, unusual, or not in the expected pattern, you should see your doctor. Patchy hair loss can be caused by ring worm, which is a fungal infection. The autoimmune condition Alopecia Areata can cause distinct patches of baldness, and sometimes complete hair loss. General thinning of the hair can be caused by an underactive thyroid gland, low iron, lupus, or a side effect of various medications.

What treatments are available for male pattern hair loss?

Many men are not concerned by their hair loss, and have no wish to take any action, whilst others may prefer to seek advice and treatment- options include topical lotions, prescription medications, and surgical intervention (hair transplant).

Balanitis: Signs, triggers, and how to treat it

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Health Library- Male Pattern Baldness

All men will experience thinning hair over time.  Male pattern baldness is thought to be caused by increased sensitivity of the hair follicles to the hormone dihydrotestosterone- the hair follicles gets smaller over time, causing the hair to become thinner and fall out more easily- it usually starts around the temples and top of the head, and may spread to other areas.

If hair loss is unusual in pattern, appears patchy or  occurs very rapidly, it’s wise to speak to a doctor to ensure their are no underlying causes. The following articles explore the issue of thinning hair and hair loss treatment in more detail.

Hair loss in men- what causes it?

Hair loss in men- what causes it? Cause Symptoms Treatment Introduction Most men will experience some degree of hair loss during their lives- many have no wish to take any action, but some may opt to seek treatment. So, what causes male pattern baldness and what can be done to prevent or reverse it? What conditions can be assessed by an online doctor? What causes hair loss in men? The scalp skin normally changes testosterone to another hormone called dihydrotestosterone. In balding men it seems that the hair follicles become too sensitive to this hormone and react by shrinking over time. Normally a single hair should last around 3 years, but as hair follicles shrink, the hairs become thinner and shed more often, until they get so short and thin that they no longer grow out through the skin. [...]

By |June 1st, 2017|Categories: Men's Health, Hair Loss in Men|

Hair loss in men- why it happens

Hair Loss in men- why does it happen? Hair loss is a normal process which naturally occurs as men get older. It is thought to affect almost all men at some point in their life, and at least half of all men over the age of 50. So if it’s common and normal, why does it cause some guys so much stress? Request a medical certificate There is a common misconception that loss of hair is related to a change in testosterone levels. In fact, testosterone levels are normal. Testosterone is changed to another hormone called dihydrotestosterone by skin cells in the scalp. It is thought the hair follicles become more sensitive to this hormone over time, which makes them weaker and eventually causes the hair to fall out. Hair loss can affect a man’s confidence and self esteem. The psychological impact [...]

By |February 12th, 2017|Categories: Hair Loss in Men|
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