What is Acid Reflux / GORD?

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a general term which encompasses acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion and oesophagitis. It may include one or more of these conditions. It is caused by irritation of the stomach or food pipe (oesophagus) by stomach acid.

Why does Acid Reflux / GORD happen?

The stomach naturally makes acid as part of the normal digestion process. Usually the sphincter at the bottom of the oesophagus acts as a valve and keeps this acid in the stomach. Acid reflux can happen if this sphincter is weak, if there is too much acid made in the stomach, if the stomach is [...]

What are the triggers of Acid Reflux / GORD?

Many things can trigger Acid Reflux / GORD including: Smoking Caffeine Alcohol Hiatus Hernia Helicobacter Pylori ( a common infection of the stomach) Acidic or spicy food and drink Large fatty meals Obesity Stress Pregnancy Medications (including anti-inflammatories, certain blood pressure medications, sleeping tablets and painkillers)

What are the symptoms of GORD?

The main symptom of GORD is heartburn. This is a discomfort or burning sensation which rises from the upper tummy or lower chest up towards the neck. Other common symptoms include: Nausea Belching Indigestion An acid-like taste in the mouth Persistent dry cough A feeling of a lump in the throat A burning pain when [...]

What symptoms may mean something more serious is going on?

If you get any of the following symptoms you should seek immediate medical attention. They may indicate a more serious underlying condition: Chest pain or upper tummy pain worse on exertion Difficulty swallowing foods or liquids Persistent pain on swallowing Persistent vomiting Vomiting blood or dark brown vomit Unexplained weight loss Altered bowel habit (diarrhoea [...]

Do I need any tests to confirm the diagnosis?

Most people are diagnosed with GORD by their GP on the basis of their typical symptoms and their response to treatment. Further tests may be needed if: Symptoms are severe Do not improve with treatment Are not typical of GORD There are any red flag symptoms If further investigation is required a gastroscopy is usually [...]

What is the treatment for acid reflux?

Lifestyle changes may help, such as and avoid triggers- for example avoiding smoking, alcohol and weight gain.  There are over the counter medications which help to neutralise acid, as well as other medications which may be prescribed by doctors, subject to assessment.

What are the possible complications of Acid Reflux / GORD?

Oesophageal stricture- Acid Reflux / GORD can cause scarring and narrowing of the food pipe called an oesophageal stricture if left untreated. This can lead to difficulty swallowing, and problems eating and drinking. Barrett's oesophagus - this is a complication of long standing, untreated Acid Reflux / GORD. The excess acid causes a permanent change [...]
