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What is Lupus?

What is Lupus and what are the symptoms? Cause Symptoms Tests Treatment What is Lupus? Selena Gomez has had a kidney transplant because of it. It’s often mentioned on medical TV dramas. It provokes interest because it can cause a huge number of symptoms, and it can be [...]

Why you can’t easily see a doctor online? Finder Award Winner!

Winner finder Awards 2017 - Best Tech Innovation Qoctor- the new online way to see a doctor- online. With Qoctor, requesting an appointment to discuss a medical certificate, prescription or referral letter is simple and affordable. We are a team of Aussie doctors who believe it’s time to make life [...]

Cupping- does it really work?

Does cupping work? what is cupping? uses of cupping does it work? Keeping an open mind about alternative treatments like cupping Western medicine is traditionally slow to adopt new ideas and there are some notable examples where effective alternative treatments have been ignored by conventional doctors because [...]
